Heartisans Marketplace

About this Organization

Heartisans Marketplace is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization helping women break the chains of dependency and achieve self-sufficiency through job training, higher education and employment and become contributing members of our community. Women in crisis of all ages are referred to us from all over our community (i.e. residential rehab programs, churches, the court system, family members, and other local nonprofits). During our two-month work readiness program, women gain computer skills, learn interview techniques, and complete essential skills and requirements for a National Career Readiness Certificate. Through our work readiness program, we discover each woman's God-given talents and interests and, as a result, there are women laying roads in our community, caring go the sick, providing services in company offices, and serving healthy meals to children in our school system, along with various other career fields. We continue to support many of our graduates as they hold down a job and provide for their families while attending higher education. All of these women fill vital roles in our community making life better for their family and our community.

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