We manage a museum showing local artifacts and imagery. Our archives are located in the old Carnegie Library building in downtown Tyler. The Society is also responsible for the historical interpretation of Smith County owned, Camp Ford Historic Park. We provide the community with services not found elsewhere; our collections of history and the artifacts that we have accumulated since our founding in 1959 have entertained and educated the public for almost 65 years--without municipal funding. The over 2000 linear foot archives contains everything from photographs, newspapers, family histories, maps, school records, business and court ledgers, etc. The public can also learn how to do the research themselves on any topic under the sun--genealogy, property, business, or event.
Being a private and totally independent 501c3 non-profit, we are at the mercy of how the community chooses to support us. With the donations of physical and in-kind gifts, the Society can continue to provide services to Smith County and the rest of the world.
The Smith County Historical Society is located in the historic Carnegie Library building at 125 S College Ave., Tyler, TX 75702.