Volunteer Council for the Rusk State Hospital, Inc.

About this Organization

Since 1954 the Volunteer Council for Rusk State Hospital has been providing goods and services to the patients that reside at Rusk State Hospital. This decades long tradition has only been possible thanks to our volunteers and donors. Many of the people that reside at our hospital are going through situations that you and I can't begin to understand. Their road to recovery is not always easy. However, donations to the Volunteer Council go a long way to enriching their lives. Donations go towards monthly birthday parties, and every patient who celebrates their birthday with us receives a gift. At Christmas, the Volunteer Council provides all patients with a donation to their trust fund account as well as providing gifts on Christmas day. These acts of kindness go a long way in letting the patients know that people care about them. For many, these are the only gifts they may receive during their stay. Other contributions made to the Volunteer Council have been used to provide recreational activities such as pool tables, ping pong tables, an air hockey table, and exercise equipment. We even have a pontoon boat on the hospital lake for patients to re

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