Christy's Safe Haven offers FREE preventative services such as Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE), Counseling, Mentoring, Vocational Education & Training, Community Resource Referrals, Behavioral Intervention, & Dating/Family Violence Education. We assist families with resolving personal, social, and psychological concerns and help them to identify coping skills. Christy's Safe Haven conducts presentations/meetings with parents and caring adults regularly to provide information about the prevalence of substance use/abuse in the community, the availability of treatment, the risks associated with substance use/abuse, and drug trends. We also educate children/families on the occurrences of bullying (physical, verbal, social, and cyber) in the community and detrimental effects and other dilemmas that families face. Christy's Safe Haven hosts the following events regularly: Lunch & Learn, Dine & Discussion, Boards & Brunch, and Virtual Parent Presentations to give parents/youth the opportunity to identity community needs and to increase availability and accessibility of services and resources. We also provide scholarships to students and paid/unpaid internship opportunities.