We envision a world where people are connecting with their community and caring for nature, so that all life is flourishing, now and for generations.
Cultiv8Community currently serves the unmet needs of Lamar County and the surrounding counties. The 2020 census data shows the Lamar County poverty level is 19.6% and Paris is 23.6%, both far above the 11.4% national average. Additionally, 80% of children in Paris ISD qualify for free/reduced lunches. When families are experiencing such high levels of need, they often cannot focus on anything other than the bare essentials. Cultiv8Community focuses our efforts mostly on rural communities, people experiencing poverty, and those who identify as low-income or economically disadvantaged.
We invite you to help us raise $20,000 this Giving Day to support Community Building, Poverty Alleviation, and Habitat Restoration.
We currently have five core programs - Camp, Connections, Habitat, Housing, and Respite.