First Resource Center is a 501(c)(3) that has been providing food assistance to people in need in Anderson County, TX for over 25 years. "We've been a stable agency in our community since the mid-'90s," Founder and Executive Director Emeritus, Harold Pettit has said. "We have grown significantly in the past few years as needs in the community have grown."
From 2014-2024, we have distributed over $6.5 million dollars of food, one-sixth of that in the past year (2024 = $1,081,000). We started as a food pantry in a local church with 5 families receiving help. In 2024, we average support of over 750 families in our community through three programs - 1) Food Pantry, 2) Senior Box Distribution and 3) "Produce Drop".
We are the largest food pantry in Anderson County, and the 27th largest food pantry in the 26 counties served by East Texas Food Bank. Our staff of 20 volunteers logged over 7800 hours last year in support of our community!